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Therapy - Pregnancy Massage

Feel safe in safe hands of our qualified and experienced Doctors. Relax unwind and promotes the psychological states of your mind and body. Lowers anxiety, mood swings, and stress. Decreases leg & back pain and leg cramps.

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Shodhana Therapy

Nature Care Ayurveda is fully dedicated to achieve the optimal health and wellbeing by using Natural organic herbs, herbal oils and food as medicine. The therapies help to balance Doshas, treat illness and disease, relieve stress & Anxiety, improve sleep, boost up metabolism and functioning of Gut and Liver, prevent anaemia, maintain weight, tonify skin, improve sexual health and fertility, retune body by building OJAS (Immunity) and longevity with Detoxification, Relaxation and Rejuvenation. Here is a list of therapies, we do at Nature care Ayurveda to get Idea about way of natural Healing. These therapies are safe and recommended 1year of baby to 100 years of age after consulting with Ayurvedic consultant.

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Janu is a Sanskrit word signify Knee. Janubasti is a specific treatment to take care and maintain the integrity of most valuable joint of our body. In this healing and rejuvenating therapy knee joint is filled with special warm herbal oil or herbal concoction for a certain duration.

It is highly recommended treatment as Knee joints hold full weight and chances to get early degeneration become high. This therapeutic treatment is effective in conditions like osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, knee pain, strengthening the knee joint, high physical exertion, protects degenerative changes and improves mobility

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Marma in Sanskrit means “Secret”. A unique method of great ancient knowledge to heal the body by utilizing secret, hidden, vital 107 energy points. Marma massage helps to activate the Chakras (energy centres) of body mind and consciousness. It relieves obstruction in circulatory channels to improve flow of life in body.Marma therapy is recommended in common condition like frozen joints, muscular strain, joint pain, nervous system disorders, low energy, fatigue, memory loss, migraine, anxiety, depression, insomnia and highly appreciated in diseases like Paralysis, sciatica, Tremors, Huntington’s disease, Muscular twitching, facial palsy, disc bulge or prolapse, carpal tunnel syndrome etc.

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It is the application of special herbal oil to the feet. Feet massage is one among the daily rituals explained in Ayurveda especially before going to bed. Our feet are the centre of many nerve endings provide stability to physical and psychological body.

In Pada abhyanga special reflex points been massaged to relieve negative energy, stress, anxiety, fatigue, promote sleep and circulation.

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Shirodhara is the blessing and asset of Ayurveda to mankind. It is an incredible, profound relaxation and rejuvenating therapy, healing people over centuries and recommended to most clients at Nature Care Ayurveda.

A warm herbal oil (more than a litre) gently pouring over third eye the spiritual energy centre of the body along with forehead over a certain duration. This treatment directly impact on nervous system by calming, relaxing, energizing and tuning body to yourself.